Microinvest – a responsible lender

In the modern world, when everyone tends to develop continuously, credits are the best way to realize your plans at the right time. However, many people still believe that obtaining credit is unsafe and risky. Moreover, for some people, the word “credit” is really terrifying. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems if you are “armed” with the necessary information. Are you curious already? Let’s tell you more details.

At Microinvest, the largest non-bank lending institution in Moldova, we demonstrate daily to our clients that applying for a loan is not a complicated decision. The secret consists of three simple steps: information, responsibility, and choosing a reliable creditor. Therefore, each year in October, we learn with hundreds of people how to “borrow wisely,” becoming part of an international information campaign.

For the sixth year in a row, Microinvest is actively participating in the “Borrow Wisely” international campaign, organized by MFC, in collaboration with over 100 organizations around the world. The campaign aims to inform people about how to access credits responsibly, which will only bring them benefits and will not become a burden over time. Since the first edition, we have been able to inform over 200,000 people across the country. This year, we aim to enlarge the community of wise borrowers by providing useful information on how to choose a reliable lending partner and manage credit correctly.

Here are the 5 basic questions you must answer before taking a credit:

Throughout October, Microinvest credit experts will actively inform existing and potential customers about the main stages of wise borrowing. We will also hold informative webinars, with the employees of several partner companies, about the importance of choosing a responsible creditor and the risks of a wrong choice. We will involve in the campaign and our online community, publishing weekly useful articles with answers to the 5 questions, but also success stories of our clients, who managed to fulfill their dreams, with the help of credit from Microinvest.

Responsible lending is one of Microinvest’s core objectives. Because we want everyone who plans to take credit, to make it as consciously as possible, knowing how much they have to pay, and how the price for credit was calculated. When understanding all the conditions of the credit agreement, the loan is seen as a responsible step, capable of bringing financial benefits at the right time. We want our customers to make conscious and informed decisions to avoid unpleasant situations, such as over-indebtedness and penalty interest, and also not fall prey to irresponsible creditors,“- mentioned Dumitru Svinarenco, Executive Director at OCN Microinvest SRL.

The “Borrow Wisely” campaign is running for the seventh year in a row in 16 countries of Europe and Central Asia, including our country. Microinvest is the only organization in the Republic of Moldova, participating in the sixth edition of this campaign. We are proud to be able to contribute to the financial education of society by providing useful information about the correct and wise credit management.


Microinvest is a non-bank lending institution, with foreign capital, operating in the Republic of Moldova, since 2003. According to the National Commission for Financial Markets Microinvest has the largest loan portfolio among non-bank lending institutions in the country.  We are a reliable partner for individuals and small businesses, offering our clients flexible and secure financing at the right time.


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