Microinvest Places Students for Practical Training

The issue of training place becomes increasingly important for today’s students. They start to search a company for practical training just not to ‘check the box’, but as a potential employer. In their turn, companies realize that to cultivate their own staff members from their student days is much more efficient than to look for a matured, but expensive specialist.

For several years our Company successfully implements the Induction Programme. Through this programme we teach former students all the nuances of working in the microfinance company, demonstrate all directions of our work and give them an opportunity to approve themselves in a field to which they are most predisposed. In 2017, we’d decided to go ahead and for the first time opened the doors for the students, three of whom approved themselves excellently and stayed in the company for permanent work, — says Irina Neronov, head of Microinvest HR Department. We believe this is a great opportunity for future professionals to see a real working space, assess their own strengths, and understand whether they’d chosen a right direction.

Practical Training Procedure

At the first day we introduce youngsters to our Company, tell what we expect from them and listen to their wishes. Each trainee is provided with a mentor, a staff member who is responsible for him / her throughout the whole period, and to whom he / she can address with any question.

Students spend a full day in the Company which allows them to plunge into the business atmosphere. Together with our loan officers they attract customers, go for onsite business analysis and participate in the final loan processing. They also have the opportunity to see the work of the head office: study procedures, visit all the departments and give their feedback or recommendations for improvement.

Selection Procedure

The selection process is transparent and honest.

  1. Send you CV with photo
  2. We’ll call you to make acquaintance
  3. We’ll invite you to participate in a panel discussion
  4. We’ll conduct a personal interview

Impressions of the first trainees

Felicia Focsa, a 3rd-year student of the Economic Academy of Moldova

“In the summer of 2017, I felt the need for a change. While studying for the second year, I realized that I can get more by combining the theory that I was taught with practice in a real company. In order to find a job that would help me to achieve my capacity and develop as an individual, I turned to a well-known information source – the Internet. Looking through the web pages one after the other, I directed my attention to Microinvest. And although I was skeptical about my recruiting by such a big company without any experience, I send my resume, sensing that this is mine and that is where I shall get what I expect.

Quickly enough I was called back and invited for an interview, I passed the test and was accepted to practice. During the months spent at the company, I found myself, gained confidence in my abilities, which I missed, met people who were ready to help at any moment, strong personalities with great experience, from whom I learned a lot. I am inspired by the staff desire to constantly improve, acquire new skills and competencies.

After 3 months I was offered to stay for permanent work with the option to simultaneously complete my studying at the Academy. I got an interesting job with a friendly team and the opportunity to constantly develop. I am very happy with this choice!”

For the year 2018 we have very ambitious plans for the integration of young employees. Since February of this year, nine 2nd-year students will be trained in the Microinvest, and in March, the students of the 3rd year will join them. In June 2018 a new group will start training as a part of Induction Programme.

If you are a student of 2nd or 3rd year or you have relatives or friends who are students – take a chance, send your CV at cariera@microinvest.md and follow us on https://www.facebook.com/MicroinvestMD/.

You can read about programme on

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