Microinvest strengthens its position as a responsible lender

Microinvest, the only certified responsible lender in the Republic Of Moldova, confirms this year its alignment with international principles of quality and customer protection. Obtaining the “SMART” certificate for the first time in 2015, the organization once again demonstrates that regardless of the current challenges, it remains the company that customers can trust.

The SMART campaign of the Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI) is a certification program for microfinance institutions around the world, based on a rigorous verification of all work processes, designed to ensure compliance with customer protection practices and principles. More than 135 financial institutions in more than 40 countries have already confirmed adherence to these principles, based on a transparent, prudent, and respectful approach to clients.

The certificate issuing system requires recertification once every four years and a confirmation of compliance with good practices of approach and work with customers once every two years. Microinvest holds this international recognition of quality in service for more than six years, which is a guarantee of a fair and equitable lending process.

For Microinvest’s clients, the “SMART” certificate means service to international standards, responsible assessment of payment capacity, providing all necessary information, explanation of contractual clauses, and collaboration based on globally recognized protection principles, such as:

  • appropriate product format
  • prevention of over-indebtedness
  • transparency
  • responsible pricing
  • fair and respectful treatment
  • confidentiality of personal data
  • grievance mechanism.

“Each confirmation of SMART certification is a step towards improving the company’s processes and services so that customers enjoy a secure and stable partnership. Respecting international principles is another external confirmation of the responsibility that our team assumes, to ensure a lending experience that brings only benefits and advantages”, says Dumitru Svinarenco, Executive Director of Microinvest.

Choose Microinvest, a responsible lender, and be sure that you will benefit from a transparent lending process, in which you will be treated correctly and served according to best practices, recognized globally.


Microinvest is a non-bank lending institution with foreign capital operating in the Republic of Moldova since 2003. According to the National Commission for Financial Markets, Microinvest has the largest loan portfolio among non-bank lending institutions in the country.  The company offers flexible financing for individuals and small businesses, on advantageous terms and at the right time.

The Smart campaign is an independent global initiative under the aegis of CFI (Centre for Financial Inclusion). The organization aims to promote affordable financial services that comply with customer protection principles and help billions of people around the world improve their quality of life.

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