[:ro]Microinvest susține antreprenorii[:ru]Credite pentru afaceri. Кредиты для бизнеса.[:]

Microinvest will support more than 4,000 entrepreneurs and will not charge any penalties during the pandemic

The Company has been financing entrepreneurs in Moldova since 2003. Now it has more than 4,000 clients in its portfolio: sellers of agricultural machinery and spare parts, suppliers of seeds and fertilizers, small factories, printing houses, hardware stores, boutiques, car rental companies, taxi services, transport services, and many others. The coronavirus and its associated worldwide quarantine is a new challenge for small businesses.

Understanding the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, Microinvest cancels the penalty accrual for overdue loans during this period, not only for individuals but also for legal entities. “Every businessman now has his own situation. Some people can’t work because construction sites are closed, some are waiting for the repayment of accounts receivable by partners from Italy or Romania, where emergency measures have also been introduced,  some have a grocery store working, but the restaurant had to be closed, and incomes have dropped. Therefore, the question arose of paying not only loans but also rent and salaries to employees. The market is feverish and players in the financial sector understand this, but mostly only individuals are exempt from penalties. We believe that everyone needs support, especially entrepreneurs because they are the key to the prosperous future of the Republic of Moldova,” said Rodica Jalba, the Company’s Chief Risk Officer.

Now we are calling all our business clients. Unfortunately, we don’t have exact answers to some of the questions either. For those who still have a stable source of income, we advise paying online, so that contributions do not accumulate and then become a double or triple burden for the business. This is a non-standard situation, and we all are not sure about the time frame for resolving it, but in each individual case, Microinvest will look for the best solution to help customers get out of the crisis.” – said Dumitru Svinarenco, Executive Director of Microinvest.

To ensure the safety of its customers and employees, the Company temporarily reduced the opening hours of its offices. The Central office works online and remains in touch with its clients through all possible channels. At the same time, Microinvest continues to actively participate in lending to agricultural producers. This is a very important period for them – the season is in full swing, nature is not waiting for us and if we do not sow today, tomorrow we will be left without a crop, and this will have even more severe consequences.

The company is grateful to its employees who were able to mobilize in a difficult situation and respond to customer requests in time. To ensure smooth operation, call-center capabilities have been doubled. All clients are provided with detailed information, the situation is discussed with each of them, and their concerns are treated with understanding.

The Company also expresses its gratitude to those who are now at the forefront of the fight against the virus: doctors, rescue and rapid response services; and all those who support the normal functioning of the city: employees of grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and many others who put the interests of society first.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Microinvest Team

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