“My mission is to make this world more beautiful and brighter” – Victoria Codreanu, woman entrepreneur, Microinvest client

Starting and developing your own business is always a challenge, especially when it comes to beauty business, where passion, dedication and innovation play an extremely important role. Victoria Codreanu, founder of “SHE” beauty salon, decided to take this challenge and turn her love for beauty and self-care into a successful business, getting financial support from Microinvest at the right moment.

Discover from this interview how the concept of the beauty business was born and what difficulties were encountered during its launch and development. What unique procedures and remarkable results “SHE” salon can offer its clients, as well as what role Microinvest has played in the realization of the most ambitious development plans.

How did you get the idea for a beauty salon and what inspired you?

My interest in the world of beauty began many years ago when I discovered for myself a variety of self-care secrets. For many years I watched the beauty industry develop and always dreamed of starting my own business. One day I decided to test out a new skin machine and the results were so impressive that it was a defining moment. I realized that I wanted to share this experience with others. Initially my plans were just to open a small salon, but the idea turned into something much bigger. Now it’s not just a small project, but a whole beauty salon where every client can find the right procedure for himself.

What makes your salon different from others? What unique services do you offer?

Our salon stands out thanks to the exclusive endosphere device, which was recognized as the best at the Dubai 2022 exhibition. This medical device is equipped with 55 spheres and after the first treatments it helps to relieve swelling, activate lymph flow, thanks to which clients start to lose weight. It is especially effective for those who have problems with varicose veins, as blood circulation is improved. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. Another plus for clients is that we provide four-handed manicure and pedicure services, laser depilation and others, all of which makes our service fast, comfortable and of high quality.

What methods do you use to keep up with the latest beauty trends?

In order to stay on trend in the beauty industry, I, together with my team, follow several approaches. The first and most important is constant training and development of professional skills. We regularly attend workshops, seminars and courses, which allows us not only to learn new techniques, but also to share experience with colleagues from different countries. We actively follow industry exhibitions and trade fairs that showcase the latest innovations in products and technologies. We also listen carefully to feedback from our customers. This allows us to adapt our service so that it meets not only current trends, but also the specific requests and needs of our customers.

How did you learn about Microinvest and what motivated you to start cooperation?

We found out about Microinvest on the recommendation of friends, and it immediately aroused confidence. The decision to cooperate came easily. The lack of bureaucracy and individual approach was really important for our business. In addition, the opportunity to work with a personalized loan expert was a nice addition for us, which significantly strengthened our trust. We also cooperate with Microinvest as a partner, we gave our clients the opportunity to pay for services on credit or installments. This was a significant step for the development of our business. The Microinvest team has been incredibly friendly and professional, always willing to help and repeat important information as many times as needed. Thanks to this approach, we not only achieved the desired results in our cooperation, but were genuinely satisfied with the process.

How do you see your salon developing in the coming years?

In our industry, keeping up-to-date with the equipment and treatments offered is key to success. To that end, I am considering introducing a new treatment machine that utilizes cutting edge technology and provides visible and long-lasting results. When I started my business, my mission was to make this world a more beautiful and vibrant place. With each new device, procedure, and personalized approach to clients, we come closer to fulfilling that mission. Importantly, we don’t just want to follow the trends, we want to be one step ahead by offering innovative and effective solutions for our clients’ beauty and health.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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