[:ro]Pentru natură nu există carantină[:ru]Credite Agro de la Microinvest. Кредиты агро от Microinvest.[:]

Nature Doesn’t Have Quarantine

Despite the current situation in Moldova, entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture continue their spring work. If you don’t have time to do everything now, it may be too late in a week.

The agricultural sector of the country is in the most difficult situation at the moment. It is difficult to buy equipment, find the necessary spare parts, buy fertilizers, and find workers. But nature does not have a quarantine, you can not ask spring to stay at home. Therefore, farmers need support right now. And we’ll make sure they don’t have any trouble at least with the funding– said the Company’s Executive Director, Dumitru Svinarenco.

Microinvest continues lending to agriculture

Microinvest supports the development of agriculture and continues lending on the most favorable terms for customers with minimal office visits:

  • up to MDL 1,000,000 without collateral;
  • up to 9 months without any payments;
  • with an individual repayment schedule and payment method;
  • without commission for advanced repayment.

Microinvest helps to select the necessary equipment

Microinvest has signed partnership agreements with all major importers of agricultural machinery in the country. This will allow entrepreneurs to purchase it on optimal terms. To minimize their movements around the city, the Company’s credit experts will select online all current offers from suppliers. Customers only need to call or to apply online. Microinvest takes care of paperwork, negotiations with manufacturers or distributors, and search for a suitable offer and loan option.

Money within 1 day

All current clients of the Company have a credit limit. This means that the financial analysis was conducted in advance and the amount that the entrepreneur can borrow during the year was determined. At the moment, this is an additional advantage, since you can get money faster. You need to apply online, discuss the details over the phone with a credit expert, and sign an agreement. The transfer is made within a few minutes.

The Company draws attention to the fact that not only current customers, but also new ones, will receive money not in a week or a month, but at most the next day. Microinvest understands the specifics of the agricultural business, in which every day is important and can affect the result of the entire season, and therefore will provide maximum support, despite the difficulties of the current situation.

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