Success in family and business. The life story of a couple of entrepreneurs.

Having your own business is a great success. But having a business that can bring happiness to others is a real blessing. Maria Bumbu, together with her husband, Mihai, managed to build such a business. Nine years ago, the couple founded their own large-format printing house, where they create different useful items and decorations for our city and homes. Road signs, billboards, photo signs, home decor items and even garlands – all of these take the shape of reality, in the couple’s printing house. Together with Microinvest, the couple overcame the pandemic crisis. Moreover, they managed to fight with the dangerous virus.

Their story of success started from a small printing house, equipped with modest equipment, but instead of that, with a lot of ambition and goals to achieve. Working hard, the couple created their small but promising company: „BM Public”. Now, they help other companies to promote their brands through billboards, volumetric letters and street advertisements of any size.

But that’s not all, Maria also takes care of her clients’ homes comfort. So they created a special department, called “Art Mall”, where they produce unique decor objects. Chandeliers, custom wall clocks, stylish shelves and other decorative objects, which create the warm atmosphere in customers’ homes. Because they have always been used to strive for more, the couple decided to turn another common idea into reality. This is how they started to produce illuminated festive decorations, of all sizes, pursuing the dream to make the holidays more beautiful.

The couple’s business requires permanent investments. That’s why, two years ago, Maria and her husband applied for a loan at Microinvest. Due to the loan, the couple managed to diversify their spectrum of activity, but also to modernize their company, investing in state-of-the-art equipment. And it seems that investments have not been in vain, because, other the years, their business, like the family, is becoming stronger, so even the pandemic could not affect them.

„We were among the lucky ones who were able to re-profile the activity of the company”, confesses Maria. In times of crisis, instead of decoration, billboards and garlands, the couple began to produce protective equipment against the new Coronavirus, face visors. They managed to provide them for the doctors from the Republican Clinical Hospital, the District Hospital in Soroca and other strategic institutions that fight against Covid-19.

Thus, Maria demonstrated that any crisis can be overcomed, and any challenge can become an asset. Maria is convinced: „a businessman must have strength and patience”. Therefore, the woman advises other entrepreneurs not to give up, even if a heavy trouble, such as the new virus or other difficulties, falls on their shoulders. „The first three years are the hardest. But after that period, you begin to gather rewards” confesses the entrepreneur.

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