The world champion in kickboxing, Nicolae Deleu, develops sports in the regions of Moldova, with the support of Microinvest

The founder of Pantera Fitness Club, Nicolae Deleu, is an example of how a dream can turn into a successful business. Starting with a small fitness club and turning it into a successful fitness rooms chain, Nicolae shares his experience on how to use loans correctly, develop business in Moldova, while staying true to his mission of promoting healthy lifestyles in the regions of the country. An important role in his story is played by the cooperation with Microinvest, which became a key factor in the development of his business, demonstrating the importance of support for young entrepreneurs.

Nicolae, can you tell us how your business activity began? How many years ago did you get the idea to open fitness clubs?

My story began with a dream. Since childhood, I have admired entrepreneurs, although my family was far from business. The idea to open Pantera Fitness Club came to me thanks to my passion for kickboxing. I am a world champion in this sport, so I always wanted to do something significant for the sports community. Realizing that there is a need for quality sports conditions in the regions prompted me to open my first gym a few years ago.

What was the first step in realizing this dream? Where did you find the funds to open your first gym?

At the very beginning, I had no experience in business, nor did I have sufficient capital. The first step was based on faith in success and loan funds. I visualized what the gym would look like and step by step started to make that visual into reality, and loans became a necessary tool. I received the necessary resources to start and additional motivation to make my dream a reality. This experience confirmed that loan is actually a very important and useful tool for achieving big goals, especially in business, if you use it responsibly.

After opening your first gym, how did you decide to expand and open new ones?

I think it was not just a wish to expand the business, but a mission to spread a healthy lifestyle and the availability of quality training facilities in different regions of our country. Based on the experience of the first project, I realized what aspects were the most successful and what mistakes should be avoided. Each new fitness club was a project filled with unique ideas and innovations, while maintaining the basic philosophy of our brand – to make fitness accessible and enjoyable for everyone. At the moment, we have already opened three Pantera fitness rooms in cities such as Anenii Noi, Causeni and Hincesti, and this is not the last. We continue to work on expanding our network in order to make a healthy lifestyle available to even more people in the regions.

How do you evaluate the cooperation with Microinvest? How did it influence on the development of your business?

My experience with Microinvest started when I was on the verge of realizing my project and was looking for financial support. Thanks to Microinvest support and trust-based approach to young entrepreneurs, I was able to not only get the necessary funds, but also valuable advice and guidance on business management. Microinvest showed itself not just as a lender, but as a partner interested in my success. This gave me additional confidence in my abilities and motivation to continue developing my project.

What secrets of a successful business can you share with young entrepreneurs? What is the source of energy and motivation?

Really, success in business requires a combination of different factors, and being young adds both special challenges and unique advantages. Above all, passion for your business plays a key role. Youth is often associated with a readiness to take bolder steps, which can be a big advantage or disadvantage. The most important thing is to find the balance. As for energy, for me the source is my family and my lifestyle. Family is not only a source of emotional support for me, but also a constant reminder of what I work so hard for. Sports and a healthy lifestyle also play an important role in helping me keep my physical and mental energy high.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the international GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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