Senior PHP Developer

What do we expect from you?

  • Minimum 5 years in WordPress development
  • Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL and development tools (e.g., Docker).
  • Extensive experience with WordPress theme and plugin development
  • Strong understanding of WooCommerce and e-commerce integrations
  • Experience with RESTful API development and integration and agile development methodologies
  • Familiarity with Apache server management and Linux environments
  • Knowledge of MySQL database management and optimization
  • Understanding of website performance optimization and security best practices
  • CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience in financial services or similar industries.
  • Familiarity with core banking systems and financial APIs.
  • Experience with integrating payment gateways.
  • Advanced knowledge of WordPress security practices.

Join Microinvest Team! We offer you:

  • An exciting opportunity to learn and improve your skills whilst being part of a dynamic team
  • Unique personal and professional growth opportunities
  • Competitive salary
  • Supportive and professional team and environment

Your responsibilities:

  • Develop and maintain our WordPress portal
  • Integrate online features with our core banking system
  • Create custom WordPress plugins, especially for WooCommerce
  • Ensure website performance, security, and scalability
  • Collaborate with IT for third-party integrations
  • Troubleshoot and resolve website issues
  • Mentor junior developers

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Acord consimțământul companiei O.C.N. Microinvest S.R.L., IDNO 1003600053518, să prelucreze datele mele cu caracter personal în scopuri de marketing și prospectare comercială, activitate desfășurată, inclusiv prin intermediul contractării terților prestatori de servicii în acest domeniu (apeluri telefonice, e-mail-uri, SMS-uri, notificări pe site sau în aplicațiile mobile ale companiei, publicității targetate în mediul digital sau mesagerii precum: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

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Dacă nu ești deacord, te rugăm să debifezi și apoi să apeși Continuă.

I agree to the processing of my personal data by NBFC Microinvest LLC, IDNO 1003600053518 for marketing and commercial purposes, activities carried out, including by concluding contracts with third-party service providers in this area (telephone, email, SMS, notifications on the website or in the company’s personal account, mobile applications, targeted advertising in the digital environment or messengers, such as: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

This consent may be revoked, as described on the Privacy Policy and Cookies page in the Rights of Personal Data Subjects section.

If you do not agree, remove the check mark and click “Continue”.

Согласен/на на обработку моих персональных данных Н.К.О. Microinvest О.О.О., IDNO 1003600053518 в маркетинговых и коммерческих целях, осуществляемой деятельности, в том числе путем заключения договоров со сторонними поставщиками услуг в этой области (телефонной связи, электронной почты, SMS, уведомлений на сайте или в личном кабинете компании, мобильных приложений, таргетированной рекламы в цифровой среде или мессенджерах, таких как: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram и др.).<br><br>Это согласие может быть отозвано, как описано на странице «Политика конфиденциальности и файлы cookie» в разделе Права субъектов персональных данных.<br><br>Если вы не согласны, удалите галочку и нажмите «Продолжить».