“At Microinvest, we do not distinguish between large and small agro clients, we believe in modern agriculture and fund any development idea”

Interview with Vasilii Macovei, manager of the northern region, Microinvest.

“At Microinvest, we do not distinguish between large and small agro clients, we believe in modern agriculture and fund any development idea,” – Vasilу Maсovei, manager of the northern region

About MDL 1.0 billion from Microinvest’s credit portfolio is allocated for the development of the agribusiness segment. Farmers across the country are implementing their most advanced projects, receiving financial support and customized development solutions. Being an agro client at Microinvest means not only having a profitable credit but also being part of a community that values agriculture and strives to develop it. Vasile Macovei, Regional Manager of Microinvest, shared the main advantages of the Company’s agricultural loans, as well as the problems faced by Moldovan farmers.

Vasily, you are a native of the north of the country and a farmer yourself, you have to communicate daily with those who have decided to finance their farms with Microinvest. What is the role of the agricultural sector for the Company and the Republic of Moldova as a whole?

Agriculture has been, is, and will be the basic branch of our country’s economy. We are fortunate to be in a region that has all the necessary conditions for it: good soil, a suitable climate, and hardworking people. We are glad that, despite crises and the vagaries of nature, this industry is growing every year. It motivates us to fund farmers who want to do quality farming at home. This is one of the main directions for the activity of our Company. About 45% of the business portfolio is directed to agriculture, and in the regions, this share reaches up to 70% of the total number of credits.

What types of agricultural business does Microinvest finance?

We finance all agricultural areas, even exotic for our country, for example, cultivation of blueberries, French wheat hybrids, etc. The most popular is the cultivation of grains, oilseeds, and livestock farming. We financially support farmers at all stages of their business development and agricultural cycle. The main objectives are financing working capital, modernization of technology and equipment, creation of post-harvest facilities and refrigerators for the storage of fruits and vegetables. Working directly with farmers allows us to fully understand their needs and provide what they need and when they need it, on favorable and flexible terms.

According to the NBM data, every second loan in the agro segment is issued by Microinvest? How did you manage to win the trust of farmers?

Yes, indeed, in 2021, we took the first place in the number of loans issued to agriculture. We see the potential in funding this industry with a nationwide impact. Microinvest customers can not only get access to credits at the right time but also take advantage of a package of useful and tailored services, pre-approved credit limit to help further develop their farms to the latest standards and implement their projects to completion. To prepare them, our experts spend a lot of time in the fields with farmers. We come to them not only to issue a credit, but also to find out how they are doing, what problems they face and what solutions they need. One of the most important advantages we offer is fast decision-making. A timely completed project not only generates income but also reduces costs that may arise in the future. In agriculture, it is vital.

We all know that agriculture is a promising industry, but also a risky one, given current climate conditions and disasters that cannot always be prevented. How does Microinvest support farmers in difficult times?

We are always with our customers, both in good and difficult times, and we try to find solutions for every situation. In 2020, when our country was hit by one of the worst droughts in two decades, we decided to support farmers by helping them adapt to the new reality and not give up. We visited every farmer and talked in advance about what we could do to get out of this crisis. Moreover, we have financed the 2021 harvest. Everything can be solved if it is well analyzed and predicted. Paradoxical as it sounds, such moments make us stronger and more optimistic. Our clients are confident that tomorrow they will be supported, listened to, and understood, and not be subjected to pressure.

What recommendations would you give to Moldovan farmers? What are the main advantages of working with Microinvest?

A farmer who chooses to modernize today will always be one step ahead of those who do not see the need for it. I confidently recommend that farmers invest in sustainable agriculture, modern irrigation, and hail protection systems, and innovative tillage and harvesting equipment. We will be next to them with timely financial support, individual approach, expertise, and solutions tailored to the specifics of the business. If we talk about the benefits of Microinvest customers, we were one of the first institutions that began to offer farmers deferred payment up to 9 months. We also provide advice on obtaining subsidies for farmers and provide access to one of the largest ecosystems of partners offering agricultural machinery and equipment. And most importantly, we contribute to the reasonable investments of our clients. I’ll give you a simple example: a warehouse built this year will save more money than a “cheap” and very “slow” credit. A project that is 100% financed at the right time will be more successful than a thinly funded investment.

What are Microinvest’s strategic priorities for the agricultural sector and Moldovan farmers?

Our Company considers agriculture as a promising industry that needs modernization. Our country’s economy is funded from several sources, and agriculture is one of the most important. Therefore, agricultural practices need to be improved every year, and this requires investment in modern equipment. Microinvest is open to provide financial support in the amount of up to MDL 6,000,000. MDL 2,000,000 can be obtained without collateral, with a repayment schedule adapted to business opportunities, by all those who have ideas in the field of agriculture, including young people. We do not distinguish between small and large agro clients. We credit not only existing and successful businesses but also start-ups, providing them with a sound financing strategy and the necessary support. We shall continue to improve our products, learn more about the specifics of all sectors of agriculture, and support agricultural development on a national level.

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