We don’t have VIP credits – we treat everyone with RESPECT

On a plane, in a hotel, or bank we all face the situation of dividing customers into VIP (business) or ECONOM, individuals, or legal entities. It is not very fair and frustrating – everyone wants to be treated up to par regardless of the cost of the service or product. At Microinvest, a holder of the Smart Campaign’s international Client Protection Certificate we treat each client who chooses our products and services with correctness and respect, regardless of how he/she looks, what clothes he/she wears, and whether he/she is an individual or an entrepreneur. Why should it be otherwise?

Like people themselves, everyone’s needs are different. You can ask for a small amount for current needs or a large amount for business development – in both cases, you deserve to get the financial product you want at the right time and according to international service standards. Such is the case at Microinvest. We don’t have separate doors or chairs for individuals or business customers. Moreover, we have arranged Microinvest 15 offices across the country, its website, and pages in social networks in such a way that every client, regardless of the loan amount, feels comfortable and finds what he/she needs.

“We chose Microinvest because we were treated with respect, and they believed in our ideas,” says Efim Cazac, Microinvest client

When people behave respectfully and appropriately toward you, it’s easier to clarify all the necessary information about the products and services they offer. Conversely, when you feel that someone has more “pompous” needs, you have distrust from the very beginning. This should be avoided, especially when making a decision about lending.

Efim Cazac, a beekeeper, visited all the financial institutions in Soroca to eventually choose Microinvest, where he was understood and treated respectfully from the very first conversation with a loan officer. He thought for a long time and analyzed the information before taking out his first loan to expand the business. There was a deep conviction in his inner circle that their young family would be left without a home, and they would have too much debt to pay off. They found trust and respect at Microinvest, and now they are convinced of the success of their investments.

“If we had listened to those around us and not taken out our first loan, today we wouldn’t even have 100 beehives. We chose Microinvest because they treated us with trust and respect and took our situation into account. In addition to favorable interest and commissions, it is important for us to get everything as clear, quick, and easy as possible. For banks, a beehive is not an investment but just a cardboard box. For us, beekeepers, the beehive is a real treasure. Microinvest considers loans as cooperation, respects each client, and offers really suitable solutions. I can firmly say that if I had not gone to Microinvest, I definitely would not be where I am today. I am very grateful to them for believing in me and my intentions.”

Read the entire success story and lending experience of Efim Cazac, Microinvest client, on the Our Client Stories page.

CONCLUSION: You choose the scenarios of cooperation with any institution, company, or supplier. In the modern world, you have many options in any field, and you can choose what is closest to you and your needs. At Microinvest, we want to offer what we would like to receive in any cooperation. That’s why we are fair and respectful to everyone, and that makes us special.

Choose a lender who cares about you.

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