GOLD in customer protection – Microinvest the only certified financial organization in Moldova

In the era when security and customer satisfaction are fundamental for every company, Microinvest sets new standards of customer protection in the financial industry of Moldova. We are proud to announce that we have received the prestigious GOLD certificate from the MFR Committee – a significant achievement for the Microinvest team, demonstrating the level of our dedication and competence in all processes, from responsible financing to interaction with every client.

To obtain the certificate, our company was involved in a complicated audit process organized by MFR, which included multiple steps of verification, independent meetings with clients and analysis of every aspect according to the strictest standards of client protection in accordance with the Universal Standard of Social Performance Management.

Microinvest is the only organization in Moldova that has this certificate. We are proud to be an example for institutions all over the country. Our clients receive the most transparent and clear conditions in the lending process, fair and transparent financing and a constructive attitude to any request.

We are responsible and transparent at all stages of the lending process

Quality, transparency, responsibility, people and perseverance are the values that guide our work with clients. For 7 years, our company has been certified in customer protection using the SMART methodology. Since 2022, the certification methodology has been adapted, introducing 3 new certification levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

We are grateful to our strategic partner, the Netherlands Development Bank FMO, who provided essential support during the certification process and with whom we have had a productive and effective cooperation for more than 15 years. FMO has demonstrated deep confidence in our business model and ability to positively impact small and medium-sized enterprises in Moldova.

Most importantly, this achievement would not have been possible without the hard work and commitment of the entire #MiTeam. Every member of the Microinvest team plays an important role in this process, combining professionalism and passion to provide our clients with the best possible experience. We promise to continue providing responsible financial solutions of the highest standards for the hardworking people of Moldova.

«It was far from an easy task and GOLD certification was not guaranteed – we had to fight hard for it and prove that our actual processes conform to international standards. Our Microinvest team model and culture are first and foremost procedures that protect our clients in every situation. This adds value to the certification by validating the considerable effort put in by each member of our team, for which I am very grateful. As a leader in the non-banking sector, this certification is important not only inside the organization, but also for our external lenders and international partners, positioning us as a model of responsible and transparent lending», – Dumitru Svinarenco, CEO of Microinvest.

We are grateful for the trust. Together we are building a reliable and bright financial future.

Microinvest – loans for hardworking people.

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