“If something is missing, we will add it!” Microinvest supports investments in the new agricultural season

Farmers know that to make a field fruitful, you need to work hard, have good equipment and, of course, get financing at the right moment. Microinvest supports your investments in the new Agri season. Expand your business with a loan up to 8 000 000 MDL and start the agricultural year with new strength.

A significant part of Microinvest‘s portfolio is focused on investments in the agricultural sector, and we continue to grow this area with confidence. In 2023, according to internal estimates, in line with data published by the NBM, we rank first in the number of loans granted in the agricultural sector, being close to farmers across the country and covering financing for a wide variety of agricultural areas.

Microinvest Agri clients benefit from financial support at the right time and become part of a community that sees value in agriculture and tends to develop it. Whether you’re growing crops, fruit trees, beekeeping, or any other traditional or more exotic farming activity, we have responsible financial solutions for every area. Because we understand that every farmer has different needs, our team of loan officers across the country will work with you to find the best financial solutions for your agricultural business.

We want to be your partner in developing your agricultural business

Delays of a month, a week or even a day can negatively affect your business, especially in agriculture. You may lose good land, carry out farming operations inefficiently and untimely, or miss the right time to start a new farming season. Microinvest offers the most favorable loan terms and numerous advantages for your business, namely:

  • Financial analysis at your business location by our loan officers to determine the right solution for your individual business needs.
  • Easy loan application and fast decision process.
  • Flexible repayment schedule and customized payment options: you can start paying installments after 9 months or choose any 3 months of the year individually.
  • Possibility to close the loan early without any commissions.
  • Special prices on agricultural machinery and equipment from Microinvest partners all over the country.

Until March 31, 2024, farmers can take advantage of Microinvest’s special offer – in the first year, during seasonal months, you pay only 10% of the total loan amount to fully focus on developing your business, without worries and pressure.

If you are a farmer and need financial support, contact your nearest Microinvest branch, where specialists will help you to get a loan suitable for your business.

Microinvest – loans for hardworking people.

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