“If you have the desire, you will find the way to success” – Ina Rusu, founder of Vestiti brand, Microinvest client

As a rule, the most beautiful businesses start from a passion and burning desire to create something that represents you. This is how Vestiti, a clothing brand founded nine years ago by the young entrepreneur Ina Rusu, came into being. Being an economist by profession, she first started sewing clothes for her daughter, and in 2015, with the support of her family, she opened her first clothing workshop and store.

Launching a business was not easy, but she had the right partners by her side to give her the support she needed. In this interview, the founder of local brand Vestiti shares the story of how her hobby turned into a successful clothing brand on the Moldovan market. She demonstrates how a bold vision and love for a cause can turn dreams into reality, regardless of obstacles.

Ina, tell us how you turned your love for sewing into a successful business, creating a clothing brand widely known on the Moldovan market?

It all started during my maternity leave – I began sewing clothes for my little daughter. Soon, my hobby attracted the attention of neighbors and friends, who expressed their desire to buy the things I created. I gained experiences that made me take a fresh look at my abilities. An experience at a well-known clothing store where I sewed dresses ignited a spark of motivation in me. It made me realize how much I love the moment when my creations are appreciated by a wide audience, and that I was ready to create something of my own. So, on January 8, 2015, I opened the doors of my first store, presenting to the world a debut collection of 60 dresses designed in 12 unique styles.

How do you manage to realize so many design ideas? Where do you find inspiration?

Each unique design and style showcased in the Vestiti store reflects my personal creative vision. I draw inspiration from everything around me. Whether it’s a vibrant color that catches my eye, an unconventional collar, or a particular skirt, they all serve as catalysts for my creativity. It’s a captivating process when a simple idea sparks a cascade of new concepts, which then come to life and transform into unique pieces.

How did your cooperation with Microinvest start and what impact did it have on business development?

We initiated our partnership with Microinvest during the pandemic when we decided to diversify our product range to meet the evolving market demands, particularly focusing on sportswear and polo shirts. The urgency for swift financing to procure materials from Turkey led us to Microinvest. They responded promptly and confidently, providing us with the necessary funding. This enabled us not only to sustain our production and support our employees but also inspired us to enhance our online presence, culminating in the creation of a dedicated website for our business. The Microinvest team proved to be exceptionally attentive and responsive, swiftly adapting to our requirements and offering effective solutions. This collaborative experience has significantly catalyzed the development of our business.

With a wealth of business experience, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

When I opened my store at the age of 36, I realized that it is never too late to pursue your dreams. I would advise young entrepreneurs not to succumb to despair in the face of obstacles. Regardless of the challenges, the key is to remain resolute. With a background in economics and finance, I have always meticulously analyzed every investment, often hesitating due to perceived risks. However, it’s crucial to understand that entrepreneurship inherently involves risk-taking. Despite these uncertainties, I persevered, guided by the belief that where there’s a will, there’s a way to success.

Is it complicated to be a woman entrepreneur in Moldova?

Honestly, I don’t believe it’s difficult if you genuinely love what you do. When you’re passionate about your work, it doesn’t feel like a burden but rather a form of rejuvenation and relaxation. Of course, running a business entails various challenges, such as managing teams, handling staff crises, and more. However, the satisfaction of bringing an idea to fruition and creating something of value outweighs any obstacles. For me, being a woman in business means tackling challenges with determination and viewing every obstacle as a stepping stone to success. I firmly believe that success in entrepreneurship, regardless of gender, is rooted in passion, strategy, and courage.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the international GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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