Moldovan farmers have learned to adapt to changes and invest responsibly and effectively together with Microinvest

Along with such modern fields as information technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics, modern agriculture is also steadily developing in Moldova. More and more young people are choosing to return home and start their own businesses, and new farm machinery and technology are emerging to automate a range of tasks, as well as innovative tillage methods adapted to climate change.

Another important criterion for modernizing agriculture is the financial inclusion, which is vital for responsible and timely investment. Not for nothing it is said: “spring day feeds the year.” What is the Microinvest‘s role in agricultural development in Moldova, what financial solutions we offer to agri clients, and what are the company’s vision of investing in this important field for our country, learn from the interview with Ivan Parasca, regional manager.

Ivan, we are in the middle of preparing for spring agricultural work. How is this period going at Microinvest, the leader in the number of agri loans ?

Indeed, winter is coming to an end, and it is time for farmers to make the last adjustments. Everyone is taking stock of the past year and determining goals and ideas for new investments for the current year. Even though we have had snowless winters and high temperatures for several years, farmers are in no hurry to get to work. In agriculture, everything is done on time and without haste, because nature is changeable. At Microinvest, February is the month when our experts most actively interact with agri clients. They visit businesses , analyze investment needs together, and establish individual financing solutions. So that in March, farmers can start agricultural work at full speed, without delay, and in full force. We all hope 2023 will be a good year.

How much has agriculture changed in Moldova over the past 10 years?

A lot has changed, and, to our joy, for the better. Droughts and climate change have forced farmers to look for ways to adapt and move forward despite the difficulties. A lot of money is invested in improving efficiency and automation. Due to the shortage of labor in rural areas, manual labor is no longer as effective. State-of-the-art machinery and aggregates come to the rescue. Funds are also actively invested in refrigerators and post-harvest technologies (equipment for storage facilities, sorting, and processing lines). Many young people return from abroad and begin engaging in agricultural business, which is an important step towards the rejuvenation of this industry. Another positive change is that farmers have become more active in looking for new markets. If some time ago agricultural products were exported mainly to the CIS countries, now they are also exported to Europe, Asia, and other promising regions. It’s nice and exciting to be a farmer, especially when you discover the full potential of nature.

Agriculture is considered one of the riskiest fields of business, especially in recent years. How do farmers cope with problems, and what is Microinvest’s support?

Any business carries a lot of risks, not just agriculture. You just need to be aware of them, be able to analyze them, and avoid them – that’s what it means to be successful in business. Of course, some risks cannot be completely avoided, such as bad weather conditions. But at least you can prepare for them, so that it will be easier to survive them later. To overcome difficulties, farmers are modernizing their machinery, work technologies, and storage facilities, and at all these stages they need reliable financial support adapted to their needs. Microinvest actively monitors all these changes, offering farmers flexible and convenient solutions. We have a large team of credit experts and work in 14 regions of the country to find the ideal financing formula for every entrepreneur and business, in good and bad times, when support is needed most.

What are the basic needs of farmers when we talk about lending? What do farmers need to know about agro loans issued by Microinvest?

Farmers first of all need to be understood and supported. But if we talk about the basic needs, we can distinguish several categories: working capital (investments in the purchase of fertilizers, chemicals, seeds, wages for seasonal workers), the purchase of machinery (tractors, combines, aggregates, components and parts, equipment for storage and production facilities), the purchase of land, livestock, etc. The needs are individual for each business, large or small, traditional or more specific. Microinvest can provide the necessary financial support for any type of business. We do not distinguish between small and medium-sized businesses, we provide comprehensive solutions, consultations, and efficiency. Farmers from all over the country can apply for loans of up to MDL 7,000,000, with a flexible repayment schedule and a 0% rate for early repayment. Since we know how expensive time is for an entrepreneur, we request a minimum package of documents and ensure quick decision-making on a loan, which is of great importance, especially in agriculture. Over 20 years of working in the financial market, we have adapted our products to the needs of farmers, and this makes us special.

Recommendations for responsible investment in agriculture.

Getting a loan for a business, large or small is an important step that requires a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons, the expected economic impact, the components of the loan, and, of course, the time required to return the money invested. By following all these steps, your investment will only bring benefits. Microinvest differs from other financial institutions by focusing clients on responsible loans because their success is our success. In the north, we have agri clients who grow lavender, medicinal plants, have excellent sheep and goat farms, equipped with production lines and solar panels. And these are just some of our successful clients. But if we talk about recommendations for farmers, I advise use crop rotation, investing in high-performance equipment that allows performing several works simultaneously (harrowing, cultivation, and seeding), innovative irrigation systems, organic farming, energy efficiency and, of course, focus on new markets. Yes, it’s a long and difficult process at times, but it’s worth all the effort because we have qualitative products to enter the international market with. Agriculture is a promising industry for us, we are lucky to have good soil and hardworking people. It would be a pity not to develop it alongside all the new areas.

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