He discovered his passion for photography since his school days, when he was surrounded by art and when he began to transfer his artistic vision into drawing, painting, and then photography. After 12 years of study at the Lyceum of Fine Arts, he chose economics, but his love for photography never faded.
“I still remember my first camera, which I bought with the help of my parents when I was a student. It was a Canon 60D, with it I learned what photography means. I had many friends-photographers, who helped me to get along with the technical side, understand the settings. Initially, photography was my hobby, which I combined perfectly with my classes at college and, in addition, my passion also brought me some money,” says Nicolae Gorgan, founder of Gorgan Photography.
His first experience as a professional photographer was at private parties, and now, after 10 years of friendship with the camera, Nicolae can definitely be called a “celebrity photographer”. Photography is his work for the soul, to which he devotes himself with love, and since he does this work with great love and pleasure, this hobby of his youth transformed into his small business.
“Photography gives me many opportunities. I had the opportunity to travel to special places, sometimes even exotic ones. If I remember correctly, the most impressive destinations for me were Chicago, Dubai, and Nepal. Now, during the pandemic, I had the opportunity to get to know our country better. I was involved in a project called “Rediscover Moldova”. I made an express country tour, visited picturesque places, and I was responsible for the photo report “, says the photographer enthusiastically.

“The secret of a successful photo lies in the skillful hands of the photographer, good mood and high-performance equipment”
The recipe for a successful photo contains several ingredients, starting from the atmosphere, light, the experience and vision of the photographer, the good mood of all the participants, but also the quality of the image. Every year new generations of equipment appear, more and more efficient, which offer the possibility of “juggling” with several settings and which, in the end, allow to deliver a qualitative product.
“Photography supposes compliance with certain market standards. The equipment wears out, and once every 1-2 years you have to make small changes. Of course, you can produce a good product with old equipment, but it will be a longer process and it will involve more effort,” says Nicolae Gorgan.
“NOW” is the best time to talk about investing in business or meeting the needs
Like any other activity, photography requires investment. To buy state-of-the-art equipment, Nicolae relied on the support of Microinvest, a responsible lender on the financial market in our country. A new camera, lenses, flashes, a screen that will help him edit photos – these are just a few tools that the photographer bought with the financial support of Microinvest.
“I found out about Microinvest on social networks, I found its offer very attractive and said that I would try to embrace it. I already had the experience of borrowing from other institutions and knew exactly what I needed. They were very receptive, they made me an advantageous offer and what impressed me, I got the decision in 10 minutes. Man is curious by nature, he wants to know and he wants to do it NOW. Hence the main advantage I noticed in the collaboration with Microinvest – efficiency “, tells about his experience, Nicolae Gorgan.