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“amiGO Carsharing offers access to comfortable transport and an eco-friendly future” – Stanislav Griskin, entrepreneur, Microinvest client

Have you ever thought how convenient it is to be able to rent a car wherever you are in the city and at the same time be responsible for nature? The amiGO carsharing business model opens a new page in the niche of modern and ecological transport solutions in Moldova.

3 years ago, the entrepreneur Stanislav Griskin brought the first carsharing service to our country, with the support of Microinvest, offering customers the opportunity to rent an eco-car at a good price, safe, comfortable and fast. In this interview, the entrepreneur told us about his first steps in entrepreneurship, how he managed to integrate the carsharing service with electric cars on the Moldovan market from scratch, but also what are the key aspects of managing a successful business oriented towards a ecological future for our country.

Carsharing – an innovative service on the Moldavan market. Where and how did the idea to bring this type of service to our country come from?

The idea to create a carsharing business came from personal experience. While traveling in several countries I used this service often and realized how convenient and useful it is. Today, people opt for services that offer them comfort and accessibility, and carsharing fits perfectly into this trend. It offers a quick and convenient solution to get around, even if you don’t have your own car, through the rational use of resources. Carsharing offers access to a high level of comfort, minimizing traffic jams and overconsumption. Precisely because of these qualities, we saw the potential of this service and decided to launch it in Moldova. We have been actively developing in this direction for over 4 years. This is not just a business – it is an effort to improve people’s everyday life by making it easier and more comfortable.

How exactly does a carsharing service work? What steps should a client take to use a car through this system?

Our carsharing service is organized for quick and convenient use. Customers first log in to our mobile app, passing the verification process. After verification and approval, which usually takes a few hours, customers get access to our car fleet. The necessary condition for customers is that they have at least two years of driving experience and are 21 years of age or older. We have a variety of rates, ranging from a minute to a day, and allow customers to rent a car for a maximum period of up to a month. The customer selects the right fare and car in the app and is ready to go. If necessary, the cars can be charged at any charging station for electric cars in the country, the basic rule is that at the end of the trip they have energy for at least 25 kilometers of travel. The whole process is geared towards maximizing comfort, saving time and money.

Why did you choose electric vehicles for your fleet? What factors influenced this decision?

The decision to use only electric vehicles in the amiGO carsharing fleet was dictated by personal experience and a vision for the future. Since 2018, I have been using an electric car and deeply appreciated all its advantages in daily use. At the stage of amiGO project development, I already clearly saw that the future lies in the development of both carsharing and electric cars. Electric cars are not just an ecological alternative, they are a symbol of innovation. By giving our customers the opportunity to experience this innovative and highly efficient form of transportation, we contribute to its popularity and, in turn, promote environmentally friendly transportation and environmental responsibility. Our goal is not only to provide comfortable transport, but also to contribute to a green future.

How did you find out about Microinvest and how can you describe the cooperation?

I found out about Microinvest while searching for reliable sources of financing to expand our fleet. After a number of negotiations with various companies, Microinvest stood out for its ability to make quick decisions and its ability to take certain risks. Thanks to Microinvest’s financing, we were able to purchase new vehicles, which significantly strengthened our business. The hallmark of working with Microinvest is their transparency and speed in processing applications, which allows us to effectively plan and expand our business. I was lucky to work with competent and attentive professionals, which made the whole process comfortable and productive.

What advice can you give to young entrepreneurs who want to start a business and succeed in their activities?

It is difficult to talk about a single success secret. Today the internet is full of advice from experienced and intelligent people. However, for me the key point has always been the same – to do what I really love. When you do something that inspires you and brings you pleasure, work ceases to be an obligation and becomes a pleasure. This is the philosophy I try to pass on to my children: to do what brings pleasure and joy to their eyes. Money, in this case, becomes secondary, it will come when you are ready for it. The main thing is the satisfaction that your daily activity gives you and the realization of your ideas.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the international GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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