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Discover Microinvest’s offers for farmers at TehAgroFest 2023

The leader of non-banking lending and financing of the agricultural sector according to the number of disbursed loans, Microinvest supports entrepreneurs from all over the country in developing their businesses in Moldova, providing customized financial solutions at the right time. For 20 years, more than 20,000 entrepreneurs from a wide range of sectors have developed their businesses with Microinvest’s support, and more than MDL 4 billion were invested in agricultural development.

The annual TehAgroFest exhibition is another opportunity to support Moldovan farmers at all stages of their development. Because modern agriculture cannot exist without high-performance equipment, innovative technologies of soil treatment and quality seeds – AGRO LOANS are the best helper for efficient and quality development of agriculture.

From August 10-12, 2023, farmers and entrepreneurs interested financing will be able to check out the offers of loan experts at the Microinvest stand.

Special offers for entrepreneurs from Microinvest

At TehAgroFest 2023, visitors will be able to learn more about Microinvest’s special summer promotions, namely:

  • “Grant pentru afaceri”. This offer implies access to business loans with a grant part. For 3 months, entrepreneurs will be able to use the money for free, fully focused on their most important development goals. More information can be found HERE.
  • “Afaceri VARA2023”. This offer implies special conditions for entrepreneurs when taking out business loans, namely 0% commission on disbursement and pre-closure. More detailed information can be found HERE.

“We are confident that agriculture in Moldova is one of the strategic segments for our country. We support individuals and legal entities in their plans for growth and business transformation. In 2023, we came up with a special offer for business clients – unsecured credits up to MDL 3,500,000, so that they can successfully achieve their goals. Even if nature is not always on our side – both we and farmers remain optimistic and confident that investments in modernization of technologies, in purchasing new, more efficient and productive equipment will bring the best results,” – Dumitru Svinarenco, Chief Executive Officer of Microinvest.

We are waiting for you at the Microinvest stand at TehAgroFest 2023.

Microinvest – loans for hardworking people!


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